"To see, to pause, to feel, to think, to challenge."

About the Experimental Socio-Photography Project

The meaning of photography seems to be blurred as our society has been immersed with thousands of flashy photos and images. How can photography bear more weight in a society of spectacle?

Then, the thought comes to me that photography can be used as an approach to give voice to those who are ignored, neglected, ostracized, oppressed, wholly under-represented, and rendered misunderstood under the totalization of a grand narrative.

Powerful photographs can break the silence, and cause us to pause, see, feel, think, and change. Having visibility on social issues through photography thus becomes the main purpose of this project.

We hope the camera lens would channel our gaze into real life, draw attention to important but rarely told stories, and discover something fundamental and enduring human.


Email Address: 1131217487@qq.com

Location: Barcelona, Spain

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